The Unfair Treatment of James Harden
The latest referee blunder in the NBA , as usual comes at the cost of the Houston Rockets and James Harden. James Harden; one of the most offensively gifted players in the history of basketball and possibly the most complete offensive player in NBA history. His skillset covers everything from handles, to passes, to shooting, to dunking and laying in through contact. He's the most unstoppable player in the league, and his numbers back that up. His averages and numbers have not been seen since the days of Michael Jordan in the 90s, or even further back with Wilt Chamberlain in the 70s. But with Harden's ball dominant style of play, and the way no one can do anything except foul him, comes heavy criticism and at most times: unfair and biased officiating and judging. James Harden seems to be targeted by the players and referees in every game. Outside the matches, he's being denied his dues by the commission. The latest referee mistake of them literally not counting his b...